I have a dillema. I need to figure out what I can be for the halloween cab. For those who aren't familiar with "cabs", it's short for 'cabaret'. Basically, it's a special event at the Den(university bar) for students that's held by certain clubs in the school to raise funds. Most cabs are themed and everybody dresses up. For example, there is the 80's cab, the halloween cab of course, and my favourite, the pornstar cab. The Pornstar Cab at the university is infamous for being uninhibited; basically everything goes. So, it's a fairly big deal that the costume that I wear for the halloween cab is fun, creative, while still looking good. A few friends of mine and I have had several ideas...ie. Raggedy Andy, Indiana Jones, Top Gun Pilot, Lion and Fireman. haha. I desperately need help trying to figure out what I should be. Oh. I just had an idea! Imagine being Anderson Cooper for Halloween!?! My only problem would be that noone would have any idea who I was trying to be. Anyway, if you had any suggestions, I would love to hear them!

Anyhow...the other day, I was hanging around at a coffee shop, a nice little coffee shop on the second floor of an artist oriented building. I was just having a couple of drinks, no hot beverages of course. I was just reading a book, when this guy at another table started throwing glances at me. Of course I was totally oblivious at the fact that he was glancing at me..haha..anyhow, he decided to come up to my table, he introduced himself and we started chatting. He was a cute guy, and he seemed very nice at the beginning, until he pulled out a shocker of a line. As we were discussing the many problems of being gay, and me being in the closet, he says "I've just had a thought...you look like you're a good cocksucker. Do you swallow?" I was appaled. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. At first, I laughed it off, but he didn't flinch. He was dead serious, and I was seriously regretting carrying on the conversation with this strange stranger. I'm usually always eager to meet new and random people, because they always end up to be some of my most amazing friends. But, after this experience I don't think my eagerness to meet random people will ever be the same. So, in response, I told him that I had to go and that I was going to be late for a meeting with a friend. He asked if I could have my number. I told him that I don't give out my number to people, so he gave me his. I was so upset. I just need to shake it off, and hope that the rest of the world isn't like this guy.
Anyhow, I'm off. Thanks for your comments everyone! BTW, the top picture has nothing to do with anything I just wrote, I just wish someone like him would be at the cab, lol..I would have way more fun then!
-Donnie Cooper
Ok, fun & creative I've got....sexy, well, not so much. I won most creative for a Hamburglar costume. Ya know, the McDonald's guy. I took a prisoner outfit, Zorro mask & hat w/a yellow band, red ski gloves & a hamburger tie that I made w/iron-ons. Topping it off was asking for burger wrappers from MickeyD's & then wrapping doughnuts. (Hamburgers were glazed & cheeseburgers were chocolate.) It was a blast! (But not at all sexy...)
Oh, as for that freak - don't let it deter you. That guy is not one that I would think of as common. He just sounds like someone not worth knowing. A little too upfront!
Hot pic, btw!
yeah that is a bit freaky but its like the people that come up to me in clubs and the first thing out of their mouths is "r u a top or a bottom" (and they somehow say it with just the letters, just like that!)... ya just have to move on... lol someday I'm expecting I'll read a post of yours about trolls, we'll have to compare notes sometime ;-)
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