Monday, November 06, 2006

Love To Read...

I just love to read...and most of the time, I love to read about the lives of others. It's so fascinating what you can learn from how others have lived or are living their lives. I've read biographies of artists, actors, musicians, politicians, athletes, public figures and even regular everyday people. And that's exactly why I love blogs. As much as I love reading about these amazing public figures, it's a great change to read about the going-ons of regular people's lives. They are much more relatable to my life, and the situations I go through. Recently I've been reading and sifting through some blogs that I've posted on the links to the right. I had no idea that so many people shared my opinions and views on things such as politics, or life in

One of these blogs is 'Lassiter Space' by Jay Lassiter. What made me go there in the first place was his comment on my post. LOL. He had an ingenious and clever costume. I immediately thought this guy was witty and intelligent, and he has yet to prove me wrong from what I've read. His witty banter on politics is a must-read, and his picture is soo cute. I love people who love kids.

The other blog that has caught my attention recently is Speedo Guy by a 23 yr old Aussie! That's right...he's Australian. The blog has great pictures of guys in speedoes, and he gives us a little glimpse of his experiences, which are great reads. He also likes Canadian guys. I may be a little biased because I'm Canadian, but I think he has good The picture below is just one of the many pictures you'll find on the blog.

So, I suggest you guys check these blogs out, and if there are blogs out there that you think I should check out. Definitely give me a shout. I love reading new and interesting things. You can leave a comment or e-mail me at dcoopenator at gmail dot com. Well that's all for now. Hope to hear from the lot of you soon!

Here's a little video that sort of creeped me out, but is still really overdue halloween presentation, I suppose.

-Secretly Yours,